International Noise Conference 2005 – Miami, FL – Day 3 (three)

International Noise Conference

R.L. Stein    (Philadelphia)
Otto Von Schirach & Doormouse & Bobb    (Miami)
Needle   (Miami)
Taiwan Deth (Nashville TN)
Finkbeiner   (Rochester NY)
The Curious Hair   (Miami)
The Suck    (Fort Lauderdale)
Ova!    (Minneapolis)
Temple of Bon Matin    (Philadelphia)
Occasional Detroit  l (Detroit)
Kites   (Providence RI)
Fas’ners    (Tampa)
Mouth Pet    (Nashville TN)
Unicorn Hard On    (Philadelphia)
Leslie Keffer    (Athens OH)
Deaf & Dumb  (Columbus OH)
Iovae   (Cincinnati)
Halves&Thirds (Tampa)
Newton    (Philadelphia)
Ren Schofield   (Providence RI)

Circuit Bender Mart & Performances (Outside Patio)
“redesigned music toys & home made noise gear”

– live @ Churchill’sMiami, FL