FUN & Head Molt “Halftone Mud” collaboration CS 20

Label 905 Tapes Catalog # 905.153 Format CS-20 Country USA Released June 3rd, 2011 Credits Jonny Wray Mat Rademan Gary Stevens Recorded October 30, 2010 @ Cat Mansion – Richmond, VA Edition of 48 Packaging / Insert full color insert & b&w j card on colored paper packaged in clear bottom nerelco hard box   “about to get way conceptual with you on this one. okay, so what we have…

Avant Fairfax 2011

Caves Caverns Kohoutek Black Twig Pickers Michael Chapman 500mg Mutwawa Human Adult Band FUN Frankzig Drums Like Machine Guns Ca$h $lave Clique Nathan Bowles & Scott Verrastro @ Fairfax Old Town Hall –Fairfax, Virgina “Two guys walked around the audience making wailing sounds like whining hedgehogs with the occasional exploding sound. Before they came to the front and uncloaked, I figured out that one of the sounds was balloons popping….