Savage Weekend VI

Friday the 13th Saturday the 14th Rat Bastard Tinnitustimulus Karl Raymar Andy Borsz Finished Dromez Doom Asylum Enrique Nick Klein Cienfuegos Pure Matrix Filth Trickery Charmaine’s Names Housefire Vehement Caress Dawn Raid Boy Harsher Stone Garden Jam Temple Faster Detail Ashes Patrick Gallagher Pony Moon Radiator Greys Yoga Demon Reliqvary Broadcastatic Upskirt Liquid Asset Solid State Entity 5AM DRO Drippy Inputs Blursome Jim Capps Mike Geary Kendall Cahan Complaint Band…

Action Research #15

Google Earth Xdugef Newton Rotten Milk Xrin Arms Dave Smolen Child Bride Mouthpet Superior Human Vomit Kristen Calvarese No Limit Cycle Hal McGee live @ Wayward Council –Gainesville, FL ~