Various Artists “Now That’s What I Call Mabson 2013”

Various Artists “Now That’s What I Call Mabson 2013” Mabson Enterprises Now That's What I Call Mabson 2013 by Newton Compilation of top 40 songs from the year 2013 collected over social media. BOOM Tracks by: Adam healton, Alexis Gideon, and chauncey tails, Beta Romeo, Big Whatever, Blown, Bubblegum Octopus, Caleb Stone, Carnage & Caruso Music Factory, chad roulette, Cristopher Danko, Cruise Remix, Damien Blaise, Dirty Preston presents Lil’ Mabson,…

Various Artists “Tusco/Embassy Christmas Compilation 2013″ Cassette

Various Artists “Tusco/Embassy Christmas Compilation 2013” Tusco/Embassy 2x Cassette In 2006 Tusco/Embassy released a split C40 from Emeralds and T/E house band Tusco Terror called “Christmas Tape 2006“. The following year they released “Christmas Tape 2007“, another Emeralds/Tusco Terror split, this time as a 2xC30. In 2008 the Christmas Tape was expanded into a 20-artist compilation with tracks from mostly Cleveland heads like Sam Goldberg, Skin Graft, Outer Space, Andrew…

Various Artists “Cheap Fest IV”

Various Artists “Cheap Fest IV” Rat-Ward / Anti-Everything / RVA Noise Cheap Fest IV by Newton Compilation features artists performing at Cheap Fest IV, October 25-27, 2013 in Richmond, VA. All proceeds go towards funding Cheap Fest IV. Tracks by: Breakdancing Ronald Reagan, Broadcaststatic, Broken Colors, Champagne Of Rats, Custer Flux, Developer, Dizkord, Dromez, Dubb Normal, Extant., Fire Death, Flesh Control, Floodbeast, Gene Pick, Hatchers, Lightless, Machismo, Monolith Zero, Negative…